Article proposé par JeanClaudeGrognet, paru le 09/09/2010 08:21:42
Rubrique : Les références > Dressage : les reprises, lu 2980 fois. 7 commentaires

Vers une notation du dressage par 1/2 point ?



Voici en résumé une partie du communiqué de la FEI concernant la notation des épreuves de Dressage.

" Le Comité du Dressage FEI a proposé des  modifications  pour juger les reprises. Un nouveau  système de notation  sera présenté à la prochaine Assemblée FEI à Taipei (1-6 novembre).

Les propositions sont basées sur plusieurs études pilotes qui ont eu lieu pendant la saison de 2010. Ils sont le résultat d'une analyse détaillée de l'aptitude à l'usage des méthodes actuelles de la notation en dressage dans le but d'atteindre le maximum de transparence et d'équité et, en conséquence, confiance.

Les modifications proposées sont les suivantes : sept juges (au lieu de cinq) pour les grands événements.

Possibilité d'une notation par 1/2 point   pour toutes les compétitions de FEI dressage afin de donner aux juges   l'opportunité  affiner leur jugement et la  rendre plus précise."  


Ces propositions qui ne concernent pas (encore) l'attelage ne vous rappellent rien ? Il n'y a pas si longtemps, à l'occasion d'un article de Jean Paul Morin concernant les statistiques sur la notation du Championnat de France 2010 (, nous avions imaginé cette notation par 1/2 point… un peu de patience on y arrivera, tout comme la notation à 7 juges avec suppression des notes les plus basses et les plus hautes.



Communiqué de la FEI :


Dressage Committee puts forward proposed changes for judging system


Following the FEI Dressage Committee meeting in Mannheim (GER) on 27 and 28 August, the Committee has put forward proposed changes for the judging system to be presented at the upcoming FEI General Assembly in Taipei (1-6 November).


The proposals are based on several pilot studies that took place during the 2010 season and feedback from within the sport. They are the result of detailed analysis of the fitness for purpose of current judging methods in Dressage with the aim of achieving maximum transparency and fairness and, as a consequence, trust in the sport.

The proposed changes are as follows:

Seven judges (instead of five) for defined events such asOlympic Games, FEI World Equestrian Games, FEI Continental Championships on Grand Prix level as well as FEI World Cup™ Finals.

Half marks for all FEI Dressage competitions in order to give the judges the opportunity to refine their judging and make it more precise. Half marks can be given in their full range from 0.5 up to 9.5 and for all scores (marks for movements, collective marks, technical element in the Freestyle both per movement and as final mark for that movement). Half marks already exist for the artistic element in the Freestyle.

Judges Supervisory Panel (JSP) for defined events such asOlympic Games, FEI World Equestrian Games, FEI Continental Championships at Grand Prix level as well as FEI World Cup™ Finals. The JSP is allowed to correct the judges’ marks for factual errors, such as definite technical mistakes. One of the benefits of the JSP is to provide a “back-up” for the judges in order to protect both judges and athletes by preventing unfair marks. Clear guidelines have been prepared stipulating how the JSP should interact with the judging process. The ideal composition of a JSP group (three members per show) would be two judges and one trainer or rider.

Apart from supervising at events, the JSP should evaluate the quality of judges in general, make a proposal for assessment of judges and their status (promotion), provide a “long list” proposal of judges (for the Olympic Games, WEG, Continental Championships on Grand Prix level, World Cup Finals) and a general overview of the “judges’ world” to the FEI Dressage Committee and FEI Headquarters, as described in the Dressage Task Force Report.

FEI Dressage Director, Trond Asmyr commented on the proposals: “There is no doubt that the education of the judges and their continuous assessment according to fixed standards is an ongoing process that helps to ensure the highest level of fairness and correctness in the sport. It is vital for the future of the sport that the judging is seen to be fair and transparent.”





For a full report on the proposed changes put forward by the FEI Dressage Committee please go to:


Work on the proposed changes for the Dressage judging system was initiated by the FEI Dressage Task Force, which was formed in November 2008 to look into specific issues within the Dressage discipline.




-on y viendra....! par Morinj (09/09/2010 08:58:26)
-il y a de l idée mais...... par Atalaya (10/09/2010 15:44:21)
-avis par JeanClaudeGrognet (10/09/2010 15:51:18)
7 juges c'est imaginable pour les internationaux
-ET LE JSP par FH (13/09/2010 13:52:34)
-erreur indiscutable??????? par Morinj (13/09/2010 15:10:15)
-hum ... par JeanClaudeGrognet (13/09/2010 16:59:36)
-methode simple par Morinj (13/09/2010 18:54:49)